The most efficient way to convert Desktop program to Web application

Make migration to Web a huge transformation of infrastructure

Web architecture is a huge area of development with lots of possibilities. But changing architecture from desktop to the web on the current technology would limit your business. Making application migration to the web to be a quality modernization is a challenge. It can be resolved by conversion to Java, JavaScript, .NET or Python along with migration to the web architecture.

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What you get in addition to a new Web architecture

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1) Facilitated migration to web application

Moving desktop applications to the web requires comprehensive planning, if you're interested in making it really beneficial for the business. Web development can be done in a legacy language, COBOL, for example, but it is not a good idea for at least 2 reasons.

1. Unreasonably time-consuming. There are frameworks which allow developing web applications much quicker (Django for Python, CodeIgniter for PHP, Spring for Java).

2. Too costly. Specialized technologies enable us to build apps cost-effectively. If you have a Powerbuilder desktop application, migration to .NET, Python or Java would be reasonable and beneficial.

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2) Maximize Web architecture opportunities and ease support

In order to expand opportunities of your current desktop application, web architecture must be built on modern highly flexible language. Moreover, this would facilitate web application maintenance in future.

Otherwise, if the legacy technology remains the same, any engineer who maintains the application, will face additional challenges. While the company would have additional support expenditures, because bug fixing and adding features processes increase in difficulty.

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3) Become compatible with top technologies and processes

Aging infrastructure puts limitations on any application, whether desktop or web. Choose .NET, Java or Python, to build web architecture, which are supportive of modern hardware, operating systems and software. Wide access to your application will contribute to user base expansion and business growth.

Above that, adopting modern infrastructure is a big driver of your software improvement. Consequently, your application gets an advantage in the market and wins the competition.

Convert your app efficiently

When modernizing your legacy application, you’ll want to organize the conversion project at high quality standards. With our team you can maximize modernization results of application migration to Java, JavaScript, .NET or Python.

We apply our own conversion techniques and huge expertise in application migration which allow us to lower project costs and time expenditures. Among the benefits of converting legacy applications to a new language with the LSMSoft team are minimized risks and enhanced performance in the post-migration period. If you plan further improvement of your IT infrastructure, our team is ready to help you with adding features, integration issues or refactoring in future.

LSMSoft offers modernization services that contribute to your system productivity enhancement and facilitate company growth.

For information about the LSMSoft approach, please click here.

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What Our Customers Say

NedGraphics, The Netherlands

C/C++, AutoLISP to C# .NET

Kellenberger, Switzerland

Delphi to C# .NET

Tectra AS, Norway

Progress to Microsoft SQL Server, Progress 4GL to ASP.NET

Splice Machine, United States

Oracle PL/SQL to Splice Machine

University of Maryland, United States

COBOL to Java

Epicor Software Corporation, United States

Progress 4GL to C# .NET

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