
Nowadays cloud deployment is the basis of the majority of database modernization initiatives. The benefits of database migration to the cloud become all over acknowledged and promoted. Consequently, more and more organizations want to move their legacy software to the cloud

To have a keen sense of the pulse we follow the ranking of programming languages that change every decade conforming to their popularity and market demand for labour among programmers.

The most popular rating of technologies is showing the constant collapse of Delphi compared to other programming languages (C/C++, Python, Java, C#, Visual Basic). How did it come about that the popularity of Delphi declined?

Despite numerous programming languages appearing, Java has been maintaining its position among the leaders stretching back years. In 2020 was the 25th anniversary of Java

These days numerous programming languages are being used in the world. Among them there are those that are not more (or never been) as popular as Python, Java, C/C++, PHP, or JavaScript. Let’s have a look at languages whose future becomes increasingly obscure over the next few years and elaborate on the reasons why they lose wide recognition.

In the 2000s Delphi was one of the most popular languages. Since then its popularity has been decreasing for a set of internal and external reasons. As a consequence of a declining market, Delphi is considered to be a dying technology by many developers used to work with it formerly.